Specialist Equipment

Here are some photoes of the specialist technology that I use, that enables me to communicate and transcribe documents into Braille.


Braille Display

me sitting in front of refreshabile braille display

This specialist machine allows blind and visual impaired users to   proof-read documents which are then transcribed.  A Braille display outputs exactly what is shown on screen via a screen reader, then small pins form the raised dots. In addition, some Braille displays have Braille keyboards so that a visual impaired person can control their PC via the display.


Top of embosser, paper has braille on it

Equivalent to a standard computer printer, a Braille embosser produces hard copies of documents once they’ve been through the Braille translation software.  This can then be read by those with little or no sight.

Read Easy

This scanning device has been specifically designed for those with no vision.  It takes photographs of printed material, performs optical character recognition and then reads the printed text.  The text can then be exported to a variety of formats such as Microsoft Word..

BrailleNote Touch

Braille note touch with 6 input buttons showing

The Braille Note Touch designed by Humanware is very much like a standard Android tablet, but instead of operating the device via a touch screen, there is a Braille style keyboard plus a refreshable Braille display and speech output.  As it is based on the Android operating system, it enables the use of third party apps such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams.  This equipment can also be used for numerous other tasks, such as word processing, e mail and web-based activities.